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Work for specialist


We are Dutch company MBE Flex BV - Bouw, Installatietechniek, Detachering.

We are looking for workers (private person) and companies (ZZP) for projects cooperation.

Area Netherlands

Now we are looking for specialist:
- Plasterer (nr ref. Stukadoor)
- Electrician (nr ref. Electromonteur)
- Tiler (nr ref. Tegelzetter)
- Refrigeration Fitter (nr ref. Koelmonteur)
- Ventilation Fitter (nr ref. Ventilatiemonteur)
- Heating Fitter (nr ref. CV monteur)
- Plumber (nr ref. Loodgieter)
- Painter (nr ref Schilder)

Our requirements:
- Experience at least 3-4 years
- Own tools
- Knowledge of foreign language - English, German, Dutch
- Own car (as an extra)

We offer:
- Cooperation with Dutch stable company
- Dutch contract (monthly payment)
- Interesting salary
- If necessary accommodation

You are a specialist in one of the above occupations, You are interested in our offer?

Please send to us your application (in Dutch, English or German) with correct reference number (nr ref.) to our mail address peter@mbeflex.nl

Informacje o og³oszeniodawcy:

Og³oszenie dodane przez: MBE Flex BV
E-Mail: peter@mbeflex.nl

Szczegó³y og³oszenia

Numer og³oszenia: 603
Dodane: 2011.11.17

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Wydrukowano z 02:01 z adresu URL http://www.infopraca.com.pl/detail.php?id=603